Adult Survivors Program

Adult Survivors Program


Both of our adult survivor services offer group and individual interventions and/or treatment. Our experienced therapists utilize many different methodologies that have been shown to be helpful to trauma survivors.


We recognize that sometimes there is an overlap between child sexual abuse and sexual assault. For instance, you might want help with having been raped as an adult, and maybe you were also molested as a child. Both programs can address this overlap, and through our intake and assessment process, we are here to help you consider which program is the best fit.

Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse
Adult Survivors Of Child Sexual Abuse

Trauma can hijack your greater sensibility about who you are and the way you want to live your life. As a child, you were powerless and defenseless in the face of someone stronger, older, or more powerful than you, someone you likely trusted. If this person was someone close to you, it made for an even more confusing experience. You managed in the best way you could, and our approach to helping you now is to aid you in developing appreciation for the ways in which you have emotionally coped. We will explore what worked then and what is perhaps not working now. We will help you develop a sense of internal and external safety so you can see the person you currently are and what that person wants from relationships and life. Your traumatic experience does not have to continue to define you. It, and your reaction to it, can be integrated into the whole of you. You too, can grow to feel safe in yourself and in the world, too. We can help you take back your life.

Adult Survivors of Sexual Assault

Life changes after sexual assault. If you are feeling alone, scared, confused, depressed, and like you don’t know how to return to life as it once was, then you are likely experiencing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The resulting lack of safety and stability can shake you to your core, making it difficult to get through each day. Beliefs about yourself and the world may turn negative. We offer group and/or individual therapy to help you process the experience and release its hold on you. We will help you put your assault in the past and move on more informed, confident, and stronger than ever.

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